Hello guys. At the beginning I would like to thank you, because I was able to spend such great days with the kids from Austria and I hope, that it will stay as great as it is and we also enjoy the rest of our time together. Whatever, today was such a day, one day I had right a lot of fun, this time with Daniel. I had a great day, we went to an archery parcours .

But first of all I went with Daniel to his home. He lives in a small village called Hellmonsödt near Linz. I knew what I had before me, a long, serious parcours. So I ate a large portion of spaghetti Bolognese to strengthen me. They were really tasty and so Daniel`s mother gave me a second portion. Then we went to the archery-center Breitenstein which is situated near Daniel`s house. The person at the reception gave me a children`s equipment. I couldn`t understand that, finally I´m an adult sheep so I wanted to complain, but then I remembered that wise man change his mind ,a fool never will. I was then happy about this decision, because the bow wasn`t so easy to draw.
Yet, I found that day just great and now I`m a real fan of archery and I`m confident that archery will be the next craze of sheep.