Thursday 28 February 2013

Scaffy Raps! 

w/Hassan and Gurmeet

Hello my friends! how is it going? did you know that I finally got a chance to make a new album! it's called ‘’Scaffy in da house’’ and it will be released in 2014! are you excited? well i am! thanks to these two fellas i am here in the studio !

Here is another view of me singing for the new album! you, my friends, are going to love it!

Here i am editing my voice and making it better with autotune hehe ;) just kidding, everybody loves my original **bleats**!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Hello everybody, long time no see... 

You see, I've been taking it easy *offline* on the Finnish SKIING holidays:

I found it slightly awkward to find the right size gear, though...

Keep reading and you will know more!

Thursday 14 February 2013


I met Sipoon Lukio’s mascot, Rysky(?). He was pretty big and a bit scary first. But afterwards he turned out to be a good fellow.

Then I visited the arts class and I saw a table what was made from books! I think that was interesting and cool. And of course I wanted to take a picture with that.

And last thing what I did was that I helped Lassi to get his books out from his locker. The book was quite heavy so Lassi helped me a bit.

Happy Valentine's Day!... or something


You may be wondering about the company I keep in Sipoo, but be patient and you'll find out!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

It's all getting a bit technical...

Today the students took me to the language lab and showed me some online activities. Teemu had to adjust the headphones somewhat to match my sheepish measures ;)

In no time at all, I was drilling my Finnish with Tiia like a pro... 
Did you know that 'lammas' is 'sheep' in Finnish?
I practiced pronunciation with these typical phrases (whatever they may mean):

Vesihiisi sihisi hississä
Ärrän kierrän orren ympäri
Ääliö älä lyö, ööliä läikkyy...

After school I ate some rye bread with cheese and drank some good Valio milk at William's house. Slurps!

After eating we went riding with this snowmobile, it was really fun!

Thursday 7 February 2013


After a long and rather bumpy ride in the cardboard box,  l finally "landed" on Eero's desk...

Eero's English group welcomed me (and my gifts) with open arms. One of them carried me on his head, and another boy promised to take me tobogganing this weekend, so I am looking forward to it (I think...). There's plenty of snow for that, but I hope I won't freeze to death!

Then I got an invitation to visit Satu's (the Swedish teacher) family, who wanted to introduce to me 1) Runeberg's Day with its traditional gateau and 2) the sauna!

Johan Ludvig Runeberg was our national 19th-century poet (more info here), and the story goes that his wife Fredrika had to quickly develop a recipe from what she found in her cupboard... You can see the result in the picture above... Yummy!

Satu's children were quite excited about having me as a guest, and could hardly let go of me the next day... They took lots of photos and played with me till it was time... to have a sauna.

I was slightly frightened of the heat at first, but the presence (and the smell) of the sauna sheep (!) helped me relax and sweat away my travel tiredness. The other sheep (called Pökö) is meant to give off a scent and remind the family of the Midsummer smell of a summer forest - we got along just fine!

Here's what Satu wrote - in Swedish, our second official language. Feel free to use Google translator to see what it means!

Tack, Scaffy, för besöket. Vi hade jättetrevligt med dig och barnen hade svårt att låta dig fara vidare. De ville till och med ha dig till natidjur men jag lät inte dig sova med barnen. Jag var rädd att barnen aldrig skulle ge dig bort mera... 
